I am anon

These are basically my day to day life and some will be poems and some not but there will always be something new (:

the way i feel inside


i have feelings inside me
harsh ones
none of the ones u know
people think of these feelings and laugh
like a joke
but i never laugh back
i stand in this little world of mine
looking and thinking about the feelings i want to express
but never do
they haunt me like a murder ghost
killing me inside
all i can do is cry
those emotions scream at me
taunting me to do them
but i dont
the feelings probibly wont come out
not yet
there are still more to come and i know they will get worse
the sun wont shine on my world but will on theres
no one feels the way i do
but if you are reading this than mabey u do
the emotions will never come
and the sun may never shine
but no one will feel the way i do inside

posted under Poem


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