I am anon

These are basically my day to day life and some will be poems and some not but there will always be something new (:

unforgiving pain


my life is like a tunnle
an never ending tunnle
it’s soo dark and cold
no one dares to find me
i dont mind
i would rather be alone
i see no light in my tunnle
only darkness
a never ending darkness
no matter how mutch i try
no matter how mutch i cry
it still will never come
no family
no friends
just you
all by your self
darkness will haunt you
and it will tease u
but not me
i live in the darkness
it will never leave me alone
by myself alone
in the cold
i try to remember
what did the light look like
i cant remember
the last time i saw the light
all i remember is darkness
a never ending darkness
i wish i could see the light
and remember what it felt like
on my face
warm and strong
like a hug
but i dont remember then
when the sun hit my face
and warmed up my heart
my cold heart

posted under Poem


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