I am anon

These are basically my day to day life and some will be poems and some not but there will always be something new (:

my christmas poem


i am wishing
wishing that this day will last
even thow this day is only once a year
this day makes me feel like im someone
i dream of this day
more than once
awating for it to come
like a person trying to find there lost dog
they just have to wait
till it comes back
then your happy again
i never want the feeling to go away
sence i always feel alone
and hopeless
all the time i feel like that
it’s a never ending pain
but i some how get threw it all
it’s just life
my life
but i dream to a day with no sadness
no depreshion
just happyness
and cheer
like never ending sligh bells on a snowy evening
drinking hot coco on snowy steps with frozen fingers
fighting from the cold winds
so they wont get frost bite
when the family is singing carols
around the christmas tree

posted under Poem


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