I am anon

These are basically my day to day life and some will be poems and some not but there will always be something new (:

the unexpected ..excepted


then greatings far away travilers! and I welcome you to my post!…ok i got over my urge to do that but now its
time to get to the dirty work… EXplaining myself once again. All i have to say is im sorry!!!! i didn’t realize that i
didn’t post anything and im like OH NO!! but anyway. Back on track and into the zen and time to write. Well i guess
i can start when it was my friends birthday..yeahh i will. The three things you can not do with a pregniate teen-ager
is 1) change plans 2)be busy and 3)even have an existence on this planet. She turned into a total witch ever
sence she got pregniate but what i think is sad is because im practially her only friend. I go to see her all the time.
I picked her up from school (on her birthday)gave her a holloween cookie cake with a cute spider on it. Bought(with
my own money witch is funny because im always broke….i was saving that for a rainy day) her a walking dead poster
(her favorite show) sweet tarts (because i love her) and a cute long sleaved shirt (because shes ALWAYS cold) and i
still get attacked from the witchieness because the next day me and her were going to hang out and ….yeahh a long story…ill explain later but at least she admited that i made her birthday so much better. Witch makes me happy.I mean
shes 7 months right now… shes almost due and shes scared and i totally understand. When she has the baby i told her to find someone to tell me so i can see her after. I mean dont i have the right to?? I stayed till the end when everyone
else left. Thats the simple thing to do. When shim (she doesn’t want and doesn’t know the sex) moves around she always
puts my hand on her stomach. Its weird feling a baby move in their moms. Down here we have babys by the dozen and funny thing is….thats my natural birth control. I promised myself that i would never be like those teen moms. I know a girl
(I went to a carnival with her last night) would leave her child with random strangers and walk away!! If that was my baby i would NEVER do that. I would only have only people i knew hold him or her. But me being me i dont want to have kids. Anyway off the topic of babys and teen mothers and just blehh. As you can tell i dont want chirldren…yeahh an interesting request but i dont. Crap i did it again. Ok on to reality. The one thing im not sure to be happy about but honestly i am is that i got to spend the night at my boyfriends house the other night. I never slept over at a boys house before but its crazy…I had more fun there then i do at some girl sleep overs i go to. This is so weird. All we did though was watch tv and talk! Tosh.O and P!nk to be exact but still. Live was great! And his mom made breakfast … apparently she never does that but she did with me !! Can you say privelaged!! Her breakfast is so good to be honest its better than my dads cooking!! (then again shes a girl soo) Im sorry my writing is very laid back this time but i wana know if you still like it. Tell me about it! This world and this god has privelaged me with so much and i thank him for everything! Have any questions and stuff im here (: and thanks for entering my life

posted under Poem


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