I am anon

These are basically my day to day life and some will be poems and some not but there will always be something new (:

long time no type!!!


hey world!! you probably thought i fell off the planet!! Nope ive just been super busy and i didn’t keep on my word. Im sorry. A lot of things have been going on that i must talk about.
BUT first off i want to say thank you all for your nice comments i was looking through all my mail and i saw some of the sweetest things.Even for advise crazy enough! But thank you all
for sending me things. Anyway down to the needy greedy !!! Whats been going on!!! Last time i wrote was in october i think but i will give you a brief description on what happened during
this time. My mother left my dad and now is living by herself in a small run down condo but she makes it like home. My friend from last time …had a boy! Ive never met him but i know i will soon.
My dad… a bossy , controlling , drunk. I broke up with the guy i was with before and went with someone else. That didn’t last long. He didn’t feel right with me. After being with the person i loved
a lot but also controlled me and going with someone else just didn’t seem right to me. So i left and now im here. Even though maybe the love of my life replaced me with some other girl ive been moving on. But i know there is this one person i think i like a lot. We talk everyday and we see each other when we can but this time…i think i did something right. He’s always stuck around and we were together the summer of 8th grade to freshman year. Him being my first
kiss and practically my first boyfriend ever. I would of never thought that it would be how it is now. He drives me places and holds my hand and doesn’t boss me around. Very phew people know
him…i just happened to be one. He’s an amazing person and super funny. People see him as a total jerk though because of his past but…they don’t know him. At least not like i do. My questions are
always in my head wondering why he ever came back but somewhere inside me …Im glad he did. He makes me feel special and loved…something ive dreamed of for a long time. He’s also the first
person who hasn’t said he’s loved me yet…I LOVE that!!! He likes to take his time and thats what i found out about him. He may not know it but he does. Also for the busyness ive been preparing
for my graduation. This may be one of the scariest things of my life. This step in time …my time a year early….just wow! Its been very hard though. I had to double up but i could handle it!!
I also have to make a speech. I think i can manage but who knows! This reminded me of the other day… I was at my moms house and i hung out with a good friend because his girlfriend just broke up with him.
We walked in the hot heat just so we could get tea and get gages for my ear and we had a lot of fun but…he kissed my cheek…what are this?! But besides this life being so confusing and contradicting
im still living it . I promise i will write all about my summer almost everyday! but i must end this here. I shall tell you more tomorrow. Thank you all so much for support and love.

posted under Poem


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