I am anon

These are basically my day to day life and some will be poems and some not but there will always be something new (:



im full of love and sorrow
thinking of your every move you make
dreaming of the day that you will come back
but i know it is impossable for you to love me
as mutch as i love you
words can not describe you
words are nothing compared to you
the diminish and parish in a world of there own
then you stand tall
and proud
for they are defeated
your singing is like a cuior of angels
every word is magical
i absorb your beauty
and charm
like eye candy
i can never get enough of it
but you are always so far
when it feels like you are there
and days never seem to end
when you aren’t on my mind
around you i never feel like a princess
but more of a pesent
just thinking about everything you have
witch is everything i dont
i feel like a doll
left alone in the cold closet
i was never ment to be with you
i wish i was with you
in your arms
holding you like you were my child
but that wish will never come true
they never do
my heart brakes at the sight of you
because i know you wont be the one standing next to me
complememting me on my cloths
or my beauty
im not beautiful
i wouldn’t consider myself beautiful like a rose
my heart will always be open to you
thats why i am left here
looking for you

posted under Poem


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